如今我們不再用舊約的方式來「獻祭」,都因 神愛子—耶穌成了我們的大祭司,藉由這一位「真基督」,「讀經、禱告」都能使我們進入至聖所。而張哈拿牧師也提醒眾人:「 神百姓兒女千萬不要中了撒但的詭計和控告。在這恩典的時代,凡以心靈誠實向神『認罪悔改』的兒女,祂都悅納。因基督的大愛完全,祂的赦免之恩,使我們的生命仍可經歷突破,天天活出『幔內的生活』」
藉由牧師的服事,我們看見神的恩膏充滿在整個會堂及線上的眾弟兄姊妹當中,願 神的烈火持續燃燒所有與會者。
其中,有關「不求」,牧師提到, 神子民心中總渴望教會得著復興、藉著聖靈在教會中大大作工,或渴望更多人來事奉主,將福音傳遍天下……。基督徒總是期望 神在教會做偉大的事,然而,牧師也請與會者共同反思「對 神懷有眾多渴求的我們,又花了多少時間付諸禱告的行動呢?我們又是如何地看待禱告呢?」
蘇義德牧師最後以《耶利米書33:6》祝福眾人,願神國兒女們,時常進入幔內,在至聖所為教會和列國祈求,使得 神旨意因著我們的得以通行,進入屬靈的大復興。
講員張哈拿牧師以聖經的角度,定義教會為「基督的身體、基督的新婦、 神的軍隊」。基督徒應學習耶穌如何說話,學習祂行事的動機與想法,並照著祂所囑咐的去行,如此得以彰顯教會實在為基督的延伸。
爾後,張哈拿牧師也提及現今基督徒常面臨屬靈生命的挑戰為「自私的心態」。 神兒女時常向 神祈求各樣祝福;或遭逢困難時,回轉向 神尋求幫助,然而,當 神照著祂的心意回應時,人卻又抵擋 神。
Now we no longer ‘sacrifice’ in the way of the Old Testament, it’s all because God’s beloved Son, Jesus, has become our high priest. Through this ‘true Jesus,’ reading the Bible and praying’ can lead us into the most Holy Place. And pastor Hannah Chang also reminds people that “God’s people and children shall never fall into Satan’s schemes and accusations. In the time of grace, all who ‘repent and confess sins’ to God in spirit and truth shall be accepted by Him, for the great love of Christ is complete, His forgiveness of sins makes our lives experience breakthrough and live out ‘life beyond the vail’ daily.”
The keynote speaker pastor Hannah Chang mentioned three features of the church that is after God’s heart in the end times:
Giving Acts. 7:55 and 11:24 Pastor shared, ‘if church doesn’t pay attention to being filled with the Holy Spirit, it will be easy to stick to the form.’ In addition, pastor Hannah Chang pointed out that the most obvious feature of ‘a spiritual mature person’ is ‘having Jesus Christ’s meekness and humility.’ He will intercede with God for what happened at the church and for the weaknesses of the body of Christ, rather than destroy people with ‘words.’ Lastly, pastor also encouraged, ‘each one is different in one’s gift, calling and office. And a church truly after God’s heart is built on the foundation of Jesus Christ, complements one another, and to be committed as the Lord’s disciple.’
Through the pastor’s ministry, we see God’s anointing fills the entire congregation at present and brothers and sisters online, may God’s consuming fire keep burning in all attendees.
Speaker pastor Joshua Su in quoting Jam. 4:2-3 pointed out the main point of the sermon, ‘prayer of not asking and asking wrongly.’
Regarding not asking, the pastor said that the heart of God’s people longs for church revival and through the Holy Spirit working mightily at church, or desires for more people to serve the Lord and spread the Gospel to every nation. Christians always expect that God does great things at church; however, the pastor invited the attendees to reflect ‘while we’re having many desires for God, how much time do we spend taking action in prayer? And how do we regard prayer?’
Moreover, pastor Joshua Su also listed various kinds of the prayer of asking wronging.
For example, selfish prayer, praying with wrong motives, asking things that harm oneself…so as to remind people of ‘examining one’s own prayers, whether they are calculated for your own glory, or mingled with wrong motives.’ Prayer is the supreme right of a Christian. When we don’t get God’s blessing, it’s time for us to examine whether our asking is truly ‘may God’s will be done.’
Pastor Joshua Su finally bless all with Jer. 33:6 that may children of God’s kingdom often enter within the vail, pray for churches and nations in the most Holy Place that God’s will may be done through us and into the spiritual revival.
From the perspective of the Bible, pastor Hannah Chang defined the church as ‘the body of Christ, the Bride of Christ and the army of God.’ Christians shall learn from Jesus how to talk and His motives and thoughts in how He walks and do in accordance with what He charges; thus it truly shows that the church is the extension of Christ.
Pastor Hannah Chang also mentioned that Christians at present often face the challenge of spiritual life; that is, ‘a selfish heart attitude.’ God’s children often ask God for varied kinds of blessings, or in trouble turn back to God for help; however, when God responds according to His purpose, man then resists God.
Denying God’s answer just because it’s ‘too hard.’ Therefore, pastor Hannah Chang pointed out that ‘each one should have a stable church life.’ Through each body of Christ has fellowship in the Lord and support one another becomes the supernatural church saved by grace through Christ.
Finally, pastor Hannah Chang encouraged that all churches shall be always ready, ‘fight for the Lord’ because when we fight in the name of the Lord, we shall conquer.
【2023_9月 醫治釋放特會】光明與黑暗的對決