Pastor Hannah Chang through Rev. Ch. 4-5 mentioned the sovereignty of God’s throne, and God gave the authority of judgment over all nations and people to His beloved Son—Jesus Christ. She therefore urged people to “fear Jesus.”
She also mentioned “disasters” that take place all over the world have to do with God’s judgement and cleansing so that people may repent and return to God.
Through the four living creatures in Eze., she emphasized how important the intimate relationship between man and God and encouraged everyone in how to restore holiness and seek and find the face of the Lord.
Pastor Jonathan Su shared three ways that God tests people: deprive what one loves in heart, endure suffering and disease, and discern the authenticity of faith.
He encouraged that everyone must practice “the prayer of faith,” and believe that God sent Jesus Christ crucified on the cross and shedding His blood, which is still effective to this day, in order to heal our various diseases and that God’s children may overcome through relying on the Lord alone in troubles and pains. Lastly, pastor Jonathan Su also urged people if receive God’s word shall live out the testimony of life and be partakers of the divine nature, and together testifying with the miraculous work of God who lets His people while living in the world not belong to this world.
The reason why “trial” exists is of God’s good will for He will surely keep and look after His children with the word of truth.
末世 神呼籲眾教會當看重並積極「傳福音」。 神的話語已應許~聖靈會賜夠用的恩典,使教會有力量廣傳揚福音,然而最重要的是教會得做出實際的行動,為主多得靈魂。
因此牧師也呼籲眾人,當警醒為末後接踵的災難迫切懇求,因 神將根據祂子民的禱告來行動,施行拯救。
讓我們在恩典的歲月裏仍謹慎自守,不可輕忽耶穌基督的救恩,並竭力成為世上的光和鹽,全力討 神的喜悅,等候主耶穌的降臨。
你也身在其中並經歷了 神的權能,邀請你來信見證,[email protected]。
In the end times, God calls on churches that should value and actively “proclaim the Gospel.” God’s word has promised that the Holy Spirit will grant sufficient grace that churches may have strength to spread the Gospel. More importantly churches should take practical action to win more souls for the Lord.
God also through pastor Hannah Chang exposed the tricks of end-time antichrist, who through the image of peace, light, and performing miracles will lead the church astray, and closely followed by using religious persecutions will make the church desolate as the ultimate purpose.
Pastor therefore called on people to stay awake and pray urgently for the end-time disasters following one another, because God will act and save according to His people’s prayers.
Let’s always be self-controlled and sober-minded in the years of grace, not ignoring Jesus Christ’s salvation but pressing on to be the light and salt of the world, pleasing God with all our strength and waiting for the Lord Jesus’ coming.
He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! (Rev. 22:20)
God’s mighty anointing worked among these three nights, thank the Lord for His rich grace so that many brothers and sisters obtained the Lord’s restoration, renewal, deliverance and whole healing in its midst.
You were also in it and experiencing God’s power, invite you to write your testimony to us: [email protected]
Oct. Solemn Assembly—Warriors Watch and Pray for Country & Society
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