由全球基督徒禱告院主辦,及馬來西亞拉法事工、新加坡聯合豐收團隊、香港尼西基金會、北方萬國晝夜禱告殿、台灣花蓮黎明萬國晝夜禱告殿聯合協辦的年度盛會『2017年全球榮耀江河特會』,於12月1-4日在台灣台東的桂田喜來登酒店5樓國際劇院盛大舉行。現場除了有來自台灣不同城市的教會肢體,更有遠從馬來西亞、新加坡、澳洲、中國大陸、 美國、香港、土耳其等地的牧者、弟兄姐妹數百人熱烈參與。
Hosted by Global Christian City, Along with Malaysia Rapha Ministry, Singapore United Harvest Ministry Team, Hong Kong Nissi Foundation North All Nations House of Prayer, Taiwan Hualien New Dawn All Nations House of Prayer Co-Hosted the Year End Conference “2017 Global Glorious River Special Conference” Held in Taitung Taiwan from Dec. 1~4, Gloriously held at Taitung Sheraton Hotel 5 Floor International Theater. Delegates from all over the churches of Taiwan was present, As far as Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Mainland China, United States, Hong Kong, Turkey and other Ministers from afar. Brothers and sisters numbered in the hundreds passionately participated.
在第一堂聚會中,院長張哈拿牧師分享 神啟示將來的光景「被召的人多,選上的人少」。神迫切的呼籲教會回轉,但聽見、明白、且願意跟上的非常的少;因此哈拿牧師即帶領會眾為自己個人不敬畏 神的態度、仍在罪中的行為認罪悔改。
During the first session, Our Dean, Rev. Hannah Chang shared the revelations received from the Lord in regards to the future “Many are called, but few are chosen.” God’s urgently calling the Church to turn around. But those who heard, understand, and are willing to follow are scarce; Therefore Rev. Hannah Chang immediately led the congregation, For our attitude of not fearing God. To repent in the midst of our sinful actions.
在課程中,楊以斯帖牧師分享「耶和華的節期」,她導正遵行耶和華的節期就是「進入猶太教傳統文化」的錯誤觀念,反觀乃是要讓猶太人走進耶穌基督的救恩與新約裡;並且節期的進行並非由人所定,乃是由 神所定,因為無法依人的習慣定制節期的日子,這也表示人類需要更加的警醒,並更積極對齊於 神的季節。
In the class session, Rev. Esther Yang shared the “Feasts of The Lord.” She corrected obeying The Feasts of The Lord was. “Entering into Jewish Traditional Culture” as a misnomer. On the contrary it is to help the Jews to enter into the salvation and the New Testament of Jesus Christ. At the same time, entering into the season is not mandated by man, rather it is mandated by God, Because it is not set according to the customary festive days set by man, This means that mankind needs to be on alert To diligently be aligned with the Feasts of The Lord.
李月華牧師於信息中帶領弟兄姐妹宣告進入 5778 年的季節:這是打破咒詛、走新門、走新路、迎接挑戰、並預備榮耀君王再來的關鍵年。月華牧師說,5778 年是 神將賜恩典進入新事的一年,但是在 神所賜給我們應許的園子中,仍然隱藏著「蛇」。如啟示錄第 12 章 9 節中所提的大龍、魔鬼,以及約伯記中提到的鱷魚;牠的存在乃是要將 神在你身上的計畫進行殺害、扭曲、破壞,使你成為驕傲不敬畏 神的人。而得勝的秘訣別無他法,承認自己的驕傲並以謙卑束腰、以正直對付歪曲、進入 神同在(內室)、宣告饒恕斷開受害者情結,並宣告 神的大能介入,讓 神為你出手得勝。
During Rev. Yue-Hwa Lee’s message led the brothers and sisters. To proclaim and enter into the season of 5778: To break the curse, walk the new gate, walk the new road, and welcome new challenges, A year to prepare for the glorious return of the Lord. Rev. Yue-Hwa said, 5778 is a year to entering into new things by receiving God’s given grace. But the promises given to us in the Garden, The “serpent” is still hidden. Just as it is said in Revelations 12:9, the dragon, the Devil.. The Leviathan as mentioned in the book of Job; His existence is to kill the plans that God has instored for your, To twist, destroy and cause you to be proud and to be a man that do not in fear the Lord. There is no other way to be victorious, We must admit our pride and put on the belt of humbleness, Confront with integrity, and enter into God’s presence (Inner-Room), Declare forgiveness, and disconnect from the victim complex, Further declare God’s power intervene, and allow God to help you to be victorious.
來自烏干達的丹尼斯牧師及擔任翻譯的勞如麟牧師,在信息裏以馬太福音第 24 章 14 節以及約珥書第 2 章 28-29 節,說明末世的光景、以及末期以先大收割的日子;丹尼斯牧師更語重心長地詢問弟兄姐妹「你們真的預備好了嗎?」因為 神大而可畏的日子即將來到,普世教會都當知曉我們正處在什麼時刻?以致我們能作合 神心意的回應。丹尼斯牧師更極力呼籲:教會要剛強,現在不是逃跑和懼怕的時刻,乃是要起來為主興起發光。
Rev. Dennis from Ugangda, As well as the translator, Rev. Allan Lao. In the message quoted Matthew 24:14 and Joel 2:28-29, Declare the situation of the End Times, as well as the End Time Days of Great Harvest; Rev. Dennis used very stern tone, asked the brothers and sisters repeatedly. “Are you really ready?” Because the great day fear is about to draw near, The universal church should know the hour in which we are in? So that we can work and respond to God’s will. Rev. Dennis strongly urged: Church need to be strong, This is not the time to run away or to be in fear, Rather it is time to arise and shine.
12月3日晚堂聚會中, 神指示張哈拿牧師邀請會眾認真地「檢視自己的心」;馬可福音第 7 章第 6-7 節耶穌提及「…這百姓用嘴唇尊敬我,心卻遠離我…」,假冒為善之人、將人的吩咐當作道理教導人、想法不再跟 神一致的時候,都是使我們一步一步面臨廢棄神真道的威脅。因此我們當將生命的光照亮出來,天天親近 神、停止作污穢人的事、不做不能存留在永恆裡的事。結束前,張哈拿牧師帶領會眾為自己的生命交託禱告,並同心領受得勝突破的恩膏。
During the evening session of Dec. 3, The Lord instructed Rev. Hannah Chang to invite the congregation to seriously, “examine one’s heart”; Mark 7:6-7 The Lord Jesus mentioned, “…These people honor Me with their lips,but their hearts are far from Me…The hypocrites, turned man’s command into truth and teaching others, When the thinking is not aligned with God, Will lead us step by step into the danger of forsaking God’s Truth. Therefore when we allow the light of life to shine forth, Drawing close to God daily, and stop acting in sinfulness, Unable to do the things that will last eternity. Before concluding, Rev. Hannah Chang led the congregation, To give their life in prayer, As well as to receive the victorious breakthrough anointing.
會中有兩場『黎明遇見 神』—先知啟示性敬拜、以及『至聖所的敬拜』,使與會者在敬拜讚美的大能中得著醫治、更新與恢復。感謝神,願 神的名得著當得的榮耀,哈利路亞!
During the conference there were two sessions, “Meeting God at Dawn” Prophetic and Revelatory Worship, As well as “The Worship in the Holy of Holies”. Allowing the attendees to be in midst of the power of Praise and Worship. Received healing, being renewed and restored. Praise the Lord, May The Lord receive all the glory, Hallelujah!