身處在這混亂使人不安的世界,不論世俗如何環繞著 神的教會,神的旨意乃是要我們總是被聖靈充滿、每一天活出喜樂、擁有得勝的生命,你的人生可以活得十分~~有盼望。
經上說:我們知道,我們是屬 神的,全世界都卧在那惡者手下(約壹5:19);因此倚賴主的大能大力,我們得不間斷地抵擋牠們;在屬靈上、精神上、肉體上,神的兒女務要不斷地去抗拒,不然你將無法存活。惡者和世界如同病毒,正不斷地侵入你我,牠讓我們的生命疲累困頓,基督徒阿!務要興起、在震動中興起!
★使用「團體報名表」回傳至[email protected]或傳真886-89-361159。
★諮詢專線:0913-920302 / 089-361165#21美惠姐妹
Date: Mon-Thurs, June 20-23 2022, 7:00-9:30 PM
Speaker: Pastor Hannah Chang (6/20~21、23)、Pastor Joshua Su (6/22)
The revival wave in the midst of being shaken has already formed.
As we live in a world of chaos and anxiety, no matter how the secular surrounds God’s church, God’s will for us is always to be filled by the Holy Spirit, living out joy and having the victorious life every day, so that your life is full of hope.
The Scripture says, We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one (1John 5:19); therefore, by relying on the strength of the Lord’s might, we must continue to stand against the world and the evil one; God’s children must continually resist him spiritually, mentally and physically, otherwise you cannot survive. The evil one and the world just like virus are continuing to invade you and me, making our lives tired and distressed. O Christian, you must arise! Arise in the midst of being shaken!
We warmly invite you to attend these four nights of spiritual feasts, obtaining the crown of glory as you experience life breakthrough!
<Please Note>
★Online Registration Only
★If use Group Registration Form, please email back to [email protected] or fax at 886-89-361159
★For more information: call Sister MeiHui at 0913-920302 / 089-361165#21