2012年張哈拿牧師回應了 神的啟示和呼召,回到了本族本家—台東開拓及設立禱告院,逐一進行 神國度的榮耀事工。正當所有來自 神的計畫尚未成形時,只有一件事能做的,就是「禱告」~禱告等候。
初時,團隊的生活如同初代教會,大家胼手胝足、同心合一、凡物共用;在仰望 神的日子裡,看似什麼都沒有,卻在 神信實的供應下恩典夠用。
期間,張哈拿牧師與牧者同工們更持續地為當地的屬靈空氣轉化守望禱告,因此讓人看見 神強烈的同在常臨到那地,有許多冷淡退後的人都回轉向 神;更有當地居民感恩地見證這地的農產收成都開始變得豐肥甜美。在此同時,禱告院團隊也開展了在當地的慈惠事工去幫助及關懷當地的部落族群。
感謝 神,團隊經歷了信實 神的供應,於2013年正式以「財團法人全球基督徒禱告院」一名登記立案;逐步開展了各項的聖工。
Origin and Development
Pioneering Stage of House of Prayer
In 2012 in responding God’s revelation and calling pastor Hannah Chang returned to her hometown Taitung, pioneered and founded the house of prayer; then glorious ministries of God’s kingdom proceeded gradually. Before plans from God were unfolded, there was one thing that could be done; that is, prayed; prayed and waited.
At the beginning, the team lived a life like the early church, with one accord worked and toiled together and had all things in common. In the days of hoping in God, it seemed as having nothing, but with the provision of a faithful God, grace was sufficient.
In the meantime, pastor Hannah Chang with pastors and co-workers watched and prayed for the transformation of the spiritual atmosphere of the local. As a result, people saw God’s strong presence coming upon the land. Many who grew cold turned to God; even residents witnessed with gratitude that harvests in the land began to become rich and sweet. Meanwhile, the team also started the charitable and caring ministries to help and care the local tribes.
Thanks be to God! The team experienced the provision of a faithful God and in 2013, it was officially registered as Juridical Person Global Christian Prayer City and gradually started various ministries.