今年第二場的「醫治釋放特會」 開放現場、線上同步進行,不僅現場坐無虛席,線上更是超過萬人收聽。 神榮耀的同在完全不受時空的限制,透過聖靈在各地運行醫治釋放的大能,將榮耀歸給 神!
The second Healing and Deliverance Conference for this year was held both online and in-person. Not only the venue was fully packed, but there were over 10,000 people tuning in to our online conference. God’s glorious presence is not bound by time and space at all. The Holy Spirit’s mighty working power is all over the world! Glory be to God.
這次特會的主題為「 神是烈火、復興就是現在」。在末後的世代,基督徒如同身處於荊棘烈火的環境裡,更需要認清自己面對正是屬靈領域裡的爭戰。因此要取得勝利,一定要運用屬靈的原則。我們生活在這個世代,世界的王透過各樣的價值觀,使我們失去屬靈的認知能力,牠偷走了許多原本從天父而來的的價值觀(約10:10)。要得勝末世強大的屬靈爭戰,首先要脫離束縛我們生命的鎖鏈—將我們的心思意念從仇敵的手中奪回—以致於我們的心能夠明白過來,在學習順服跟隨主的路上有能力「活出敬畏 神」。張哈拿牧師說 神是一切自然界及超自然界的主宰,因此屬 神的兒女們靠著聖靈行在超自然應是很平常的事,但我們需要為我們容讓世界的王弄瞎了心眼而悔改,因為是我們給了牠「合法權」佔據、壓制、欺騙、傷害、甚至帶來殺害。感謝 神祂的慈愛、憐憫、聖潔、公義是何等的強大,只要你願意放下自己並且渴望脫離纏累, 神就要醫治釋放你了!(賽54:17)
The topic of this conference was “God Is a Consuming Fire: Revival Is Now.” In the end times, Christians are as in a fiery thorny environment, we thus need to see clearly that what we are facing is a battle in the spiritual realm. Therefore, in order to have victory we must apply spiritual principles. As we live in this day and age, the ruler of this world through various values makes us lose our spiritual awareness. He steals many values originally from the heavenly Father (John10:10). In order to triumph over the end-times fierce spiritual battles, first of all, we shall break away from the chains that bind our lives—take our thoughts captive back from the power of the enemy—so that we are in the right mind. “Live out fearing God” as we learn to obey and follow the Lord. Pastor Hannah Chang said that God is the ruler of the natural and the supernatural. Therefore, it’s natural for God’s children to walk in the supernatural through the Holy Spirit. However, we need to repent for allowing the ruler of this world to blind the eyes of our hearts, because it’s us who give him the legal right to possess, suppress, deceive, harm and even destroy. Thanks be to God for how mighty His love, mercy, holiness and righteousness are. As long as you’re willing to lay down yourself and desire to break away from things entangling you, God is going to heal and deliver you (Isa. 54:17).
張哈拿牧師呼籲與會者在生活各方面的領域中活過來,秘訣在於每一天與愛我們的耶穌基督進入「正確且親密的關係」,這是鬆綁地獄權勢一把很重要的鑰匙。而現今的我們應當留意耶穌基督在世上的日子,是如何運用這屬靈的權柄、祂與天父的關係又是如何、祂的禱告為什麼帶出這麼大的影響力、祂是怎麼在內室與天父交通?一個和 神有正確關係的人,他會非常享受與 神交通時的自然、甘甜和喜樂,這也是門徒看見耶穌禱告後產生出來極大的影響力。因此張哈拿牧師勉勵與會者在平日的生活中學習靠聖靈而活、靠聖靈行事,因為我們是天國的子民。
Pastor Hannah Chang calls on attendees to come alive in every respect of life. The secret lies in everyday entering “a right and intimate relationship” with Jesus Christ who loves us. It is a very important key to loosen the power of hell. And also we should pay attention to how Jesus Christ spent His days in the earth. How did He execute the spiritual authority? How was His relationship with the heavenly Father? Why was His prayer so powerful? How did He commune with the heavenly Father in an inner room? A person who has a right relationship with God will enjoy ease, sweetness and joy as communing with God. It’s also the secret of the great impact that disciples had after seeing how Jesus prayed. Therefore, pastor Hannah Chang exhorts attendees to live and walk by the Spirit in their everyday living, because we are the citizens of heaven.
無論是現場或台灣其他城市、中國大陸、馬來西亞、新加坡、美國、加拿大、澳大利亞、德國、英國、紐西蘭、日本、印尼、瑞士、韓國等地的主內家人,皆在聚會進行時強烈地感受到聖靈的造訪與觸摸。現場有兩位被邪靈壓制多年的姐妹,因著 神的造訪,在第二天的聚會中全然得釋放。許多線上的牧者、弟兄姐妹也稍來訊息和email,分享自己當下被聖靈觸摸的反應,許多長久以來的傷害和沮喪瞬間消失。世界各地的見證如雪片般傳來,再次將一切榮耀歸給 神!
Regardless of whether family in the Lord on-site or in other cities in Taiwan, China, Malasia, Singapore, America, Canada, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Japan, Indonesia, Switzerland and Korea, all strongly felt the Holy Spirit’s visitation and touch during the meeting. Two on-site sisters had been suppressed by the evil spirits for years; because of God’s visitation, they were fully set free on the second day of conference. Many online pastors, sisters and brothers also sent messages and email to us, sharing what happened while the Holy Spirit touched them. Many long-term hurts and discouragement disappeared instantly. Testimonies poured in from all over the world. Let’s once again give all glory to God.
透過聖靈,醫治釋放的大能正持續運作在世界各地,求 神幫助我們持守與 祂正確的關係,以致於我們在世上的每一刻,都如同耶穌基督一樣行在超自然的祝福裡。願 神大大賜福您!
Through the Holy Spirit, the mighty power of healing and deliverance is on the move all over the world. We implore God to help us keep having the right relationship with Him, so that every moment we spend in this world is as Jesus Christ walked in the blessings of the supernatural. May God bless you abundantly!