經文在《徒17:24~26》、《摩9:14~15》都指出 神起初就為祂的子民預定了所住的疆界,祂不僅將他們從流離失所的處境、散居各處的窘況中尋回,也確立那佳美之地是屬以色列人,任一勢力都無法搶奪。然而,在 神豐滿應許之下,以色列人也有應負的責任,就是《利19:31~34》所說,要行在「 神的律法」。
張哈拿牧師也分享自己所看見:上帝正在挑選正直、公義的人,為加薩興起。 神要恢復加薩;並且上帝也將祂自己顯現給許多阿拉伯人,直接開啟他們的雙眼。當人一看見 神,就立即轉向 神,並受洗信耶穌。
哈利路亞!偉大的 神能夠瓦解恐怖組織,同樣也能摧毀我們生命中的堅固營壘。奉主名宣告:我們常年所禱告的人事物、我們的家庭、職場⋯⋯都要在超自然中遇見耶穌基督!
張哈拿牧師也提到猶太偉人「猶大.馬加比」。 神的公義在他心裡運行,起義征戰希臘,摧毀他們在耶路撒冷祭祀的外邦偶像。藉此事鼓勵各國:「 神也要興起這樣的人在列國,所有拜偶像的事都要被摧毀;祂也要興起正直的媒體起來行義,將黑暗國度的計謀、假新聞與事實都暴露出來。」
總覽聖經全書,可以看見 神在以色列的心意。所以基督徒應該要從聖經的角度,去看以色列及目前他們所發生的事,並要與以色列同站立,因為「現在是以色列最關鍵的時刻」,也要為所有戰爭中的國家禱告。
願我們都在 神復興的行列裡頭,成為祂箭袋裡的箭,當 神興起我們時,每個人都能精準射向仇敵的詭計,摧毀並擊落牠們的作為!
The Scriptures in【Act. 17:24-26】and【Amo. 9:14-15】point that from the beginning God had determined for His people allotted boundaries of their dwelling place. He not only found them from their situation of displacement and predicament of being scattered everywhere, but also assured that the pleasant place belonged to Israelis and could not be taken away by any power whatsoever. However, with God’s rich promise, Israels also have their own responsibility; that is, as【Lev. 19:31-34】say, walk in ‘the law of God.’
Pastor Hannah Chang also shared from what she saw: God is selecting the upright and the righteous, raised up for Gaza. God will restore Gaza; also, God will reveal Himself to many Arabs, directly opening their eyes. When once seeing God, they will at once turn to God and believe Jesus and get baptized.
Hallelujah! Great God who can dismantle a terrorist organization also can destroy the strongholds in our lives. Declare in the Lord’s name, people, things, our family, workplace etc. that we’ve been praying for years will counter Jesus Christ in the supernatural!
Pastor Hannah Chang also mentioned Jewish great man ‘Judas Maccabee.’ God’s righteousness worked in his heart and he revolted against Greece, destroying idols sacrificed by Gentiles in Jerusalem. Through this pastor encouraged each nation, ‘God also will raise up such people in the nations and all idolatry shall be destroyed; He also will raise up the upright medias to do righteousness by exposing the strategies and false news and reports of the kingdom of darkness.’
Reading through the entire Bible can see God’s purpose for Israel. Therefore, Christians should look at Israel and what’s currently happening to them from the biblical perspective, and stand with Israel, because ‘now is the most critical moment for Israel.’ Also, pray for all countries at war.
May we all get in rank of God’s revival, becoming arrows in His quiver. When God raises us up, each of us can accurately shoot at the enemy’s tricks, destroying and shooting down their works!
我們都在肉身之內,身而為人都有過軟弱,信仰歷程上也曾有過無數次跌倒的經驗,所以 神也藉由耶穌安慰彼得的話鼓勵祂的百姓:「回頭以後,要堅固你的弟兄。」
生命不是你、我所造,我們無權結束。所以「自殺」不是 神的心意,且一定沈淪。如今我們既成了 神的兒女,應心存正確的態度是:「不論日子如何,景況如何,都要堅信,只要還活著,必有 神美好的心意要發生在我生命,且要藉著我的經歷,成為更多人的祝福!」阿們!
【約翰、雅各 和他們的母親:不良的居心】《路9:55~56》、《路6:27~28》、《太20:20~24》
經上所寫的各種善、惡,不在乎個人行為如何,也不在乎道德、水準高下;不在乎個人地位高低,更不是財富權勢可區分。人所行「善與惡」之分,惟在於「人對於 神,是接受還是拒絕?是將 神常擺在心中,或是將祂拒於心門外?」
幸災樂禍的心態,永遠都得不著上頭來的福分,因為「惡心」抵擋了 神的祝福。
而牧師也以約翰、雅各的母親求耶穌一事為例(太20:20~24)提醒與會者:「有愛心但沒有智慧,就是愚昧的溺愛。此必然在 神眼中視為居心不良的『惡』事,這『惡』,將成為攔阻我們領受上頭來的能力的阻礙。」
最後,蘇義德牧師也以使徒安德烈為例,使眾人省思—我們都是被 神從污泥裡救起之人,無一不藉著祂而得生。既作為 神的子民,應是在生活各樣光景當中,認清自己的罪,並時常奉主名拒絕「驕傲」存留於個人心中,因「自得其樂的與 神爭榮」,也無法使我們領受那「上頭來的福分」。
讓我們珍惜主基督再來之前這恩典的時代,時時認罪悔改在 神面前,領受聖靈的洗,以正確的生活態度「行所當行」。因為直到個人真願將罪都認清的時刻,主的能力才會臨到。
From Scriptures【Luk. 24:49】and【Isa. 40:31】knowing that before receiving spiritual blessings we should learn the lesson of ‘waiting.’ Being set apart from the world in ‘stance’ because if the one sets one’s mind on the flesh instead of obeying the Spirit, the one is against the Lord. Therefore, we must stand firm in all circumstances and be set apart.
Next, pastor Joshua Su also used the apostles as examples to exhort people.
【Peter—When You’ve Turned again Strengthen Your Brothers】(Luk. 22:31-32, Heb. 13:3)
We’re all in the body having weakness(es) as a human, and have countless experiences of falling in the journey of faith; therefore, through Jesus’s word of comforting Peter , God also encourages His people, ‘When you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.’
Life is not created by you and me, we have no right to end it. Therefore, ‘committing suicide’ is not God’s purpose and for sure one will perish. Since now we’re God’s children, the right heart attitude is ‘regardless of days and circumstances, we shall firmly believe as long as we’re alive, Gods’ wonderful purpose will be fulfilled in my life and through my experience I’ll become a blessing to many!’ Amen!
【John, James & Their Mother—Bad Intentions】(Luk. 9:55-56, 6:27-28, Matt. 20:20-24)
Every good and evil written in the Scriptures do not care about personal behavior, morality, standard of living, and personal status, let alone wealth and power. The distinction between ‘good and evil’ done by people only lies in ‘whether man accept or reject God? Keeping God in one’s heart or keeping Him out of one’s heart?’
Jesus’ rebuking apostles also is our example. Especially in the workplace and at home, have you ever blurted out evil things to others, or without saying it out loud kept angry curses in heart?
The mentality of gloating over misfortune will never obtain a blessing from above, because an ‘evil heart’ hinders God’s blessing. Pastor also used the example of John’s and James’ mother asking Jesus (Matt. 20:20-24) to remind attendees of “having love without wisdom is to spoil foolishly. In God’s sight, it’s surely an ‘evil’ with a bad intention; this ‘evil’ will hinder us to receive the power from above.”
【Andrew—Man’s Heart Is Haughty】(Joh.1:40-42)
Last, pastor Joshua Su also used apostle Andrew as an example to ask people introspect: we’re all saved by God from the mire and none weren’t reborn through Him. Therefore, as God’s people, we ought to recognize our sins in various situations in daily life, and always in the Lord’s name reject ‘pride’ that remains in our heart, because ‘delighting oneself in competing with God’s glory’ cannot make us receive the ‘blessing from above.’
Let’s cherish the age of grace prior the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Always repent and confess sins before God, receive the baptism of the Spirit and ‘do what ought to do’ as our right living attitude. Because only when individuals truly confess sins, the power of the Lord will come.
一個被復興的人應有的特點是-他能夠歡喜快樂接受 神的要求;當讀聖經被光照時,願意順服並徹底改變舊有的生命;是永遠為主成為「溫柔」的人。
張哈拿牧師也請眾人省思-我們個人的生活、處事的判斷力,有沒有在 神的真理當中「受到約束」?
人若肯接受真理的約束,其說出口的話語將充滿能力,能強而有力的攻擊黑暗國度。反之,基督徒若行在罪惡中、生命看不出 神的見證,就會成為被仇敵吞噬的人。
1.懂得凡事謝恩、讚美:要相信「凡事都能成為 神翻轉的祝福」。面對信心的考驗、試探、沮喪和負面的環境時要宣告:「我的 神是烈火」。
2.能看見屬 神、屬天的價值:因世上只是暫時的,天國即是永恆的,作爲 神的兒女,要學習「過天上的日子」。
「紀律」即是「 神的準則」,生活要有紀律,就是活在 神的準則裡。
讀 神的話卻沒有約束、自律的態度,其生活度日也不會得著力量,而成了「空談」。張哈拿牧師鼓勵與會者- 神的兒女擁有屬天的權柄,這權柄能使我們有能力攻擊黑暗,堅硬如「 神的鐵鎚」,能擊碎仇敵的頭。
以色列人並非靠刀劍或己力離開埃及,他們能站立在流奶與蜜之地上,乃是靠著 神的膀臂、 神的右手和亮光( 神的道)。如今我們日子能蒙福、身體被醫治,得以平安度日⋯⋯也全憑祂的膀臂、祂的右手及祂以臉上的光光照我們。
願主賜力量給祂的百姓,能脫離各樣的軟弱。日日將祂的話語存留在心中,並且永不失去倚靠 神的喜樂。如此, 神的復興必然臨到。
在現場及線上有極多的弟兄姊妹都得著能力與醫治,若你也身在其中經歷 神的權能,邀請你來信見證,[email protected]。
Man cannot directly enter revival without walking the narrow way. Experiencing ‘revival’ means ‘walking the narrow way’ because ‘the narrow way’ is to restrain individuals’ behaviors.
The characteristics of a person who is revived are: he can joyfully and gladly accept God’s request; while reading the Bible and being illuminated, he’s willing to obey and thoroughly change the old life; he is to become a ‘gentle’ person for the Lord forever.
Pastor Hannah Change also asked people to introspect: whether we’re ‘restrained’ by God’s truth in our personal manner of life and judgement?
If man is willing to be restrained by the truth, the word uttered by his mouth will be full of power, attacking mightily the kingdom of darkness. On the contrary, if Christians who walk in sins and cannot live out a testimony of God will be the ones devoured by the enemy.
【The Sings of Revival】(Heb. 12:28-29, Ps. 84:10, Heb. 11:25-26)
【Have Discipline in Life】
‘Discipline’ is ‘God’s way’ and to have discipline in life is to live in God’s ways.
Reading God’s word without an attitude of restraint and discipline won’t receive strength for the everyday living but becomes an ‘empty talk.’ Pastor Hannah Chang encouraged the attendees: God’s children have the heavenly authority which enables us to have the power to attack darkness; this power is as hard as ‘God’s hammer’ able to crush the head of the enemy.
Israelis left Egypt not by swords or their strength. That they could stand in a land flowing with milk and honey was by God’s arms, God’s right hand, and light(God’s word). Today our days blessed, our bodies healed and living our days peaceably…are also by His arm, His right hand, and the light of His face shining upon us.
May the Lord strengthen His people that they may break free from various weaknesses. Each day keep His word in heart and never lose the joy of trusting in God. Thus, God’s revival will surely come.
Many brothers and sisters at the present and by livestream obtained power and healing. If you also experienced God’s power, sincerely invite you to share with us: [email protected]