我從起初指明末後的事,從古時言明未成的事,說:我的籌算必立定;凡我所喜悅的,我必成就 【賽46:10】
神是烈火,熊熊熾熱的烈火;祂的心為人類燃燒啊!親愛的教會,請問:你的心是否還為 神燃燒呢?還是,已經沒火了?
有一種夢想,是永遠不會失敗的,絕對的成功、絕對的勝算,那就是:由烈火的 神點燃的夢想──來自天國大君王耶穌基督的啟動!
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★ 諮詢專線:0913-920302 / 089-361165#21美惠姐妹
Life Breakthrough Conference
Theme: The Dream of Heaven Is Ignited in My Heart
Date: 2024/6/24~26
Time: 7:00-9:30 PM
Speakers:Pastor Hannah Chang & Pastor Joshua Su
Simultaneous translation in English
I declare the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all My purpose.’ 【Isa. 46:10】
God is a consuming fire, the blazing and burning fire; O His heart is burning for mankind! Dear church, may I ask, Is your heart still burning for God? Or die out?
There’s a kind of dream that will never fail, for sure succeed, for sure win; that is, the dream is ignited by God the consuming fire and activated by the great King of heaven Jesus Christ!
He is the beginning and the end; He created you and is responsible to the end; He never breaks His promise, and He does what He says.
Sincerely invite you, who have no dream, have lost dream, unable to live out dream, need to change dream, at the crossroads of life…Come! Let the dream of heaven be ignited in your heart!
<Please Note>
★ Online Registration Only
★ If use Group Registration Form, please email back to [email protected] or fax at 886-89-361159
★ For more information: call Sister MeiHui at 0913-920302 / 089-361165#21