5784 Shavuot—Activating the Power from Above








「五旬節到了,門徒都聚集在一處。忽然,從天上有響聲下來,好像一陣大風吹過,充滿了他們所坐的屋子;又有舌頭如火焰顯現出來,分開落在他們各人頭上。他們就都被聖靈充滿,按著聖靈所賜的口才說起別國的話來。 」(徒2:1-4)


五旬節當天,許多到耶路撒冷守節的猶太人會前往會堂聚會,使徒等人則在樓房上禱告。 忽然聖靈造訪他們, 使他們擁有說方言的恩賜以及講道的恩賜,一無所懼地站在人群中述說     神榮耀的大作為。 此外前來朝聖的人群心裡也都柔軟了,竟多達3千人受洗成為門徒。

原來這就是耶穌基督要他們所等候的應許(約16:7-14)。他們的禱告對準   神的心意,聖靈一降臨,所有超自然的事情都在天時、地利、人和的情況下毫無攔阻的發生了!




對   神話語有透徹的了解:他們終於明白主耶穌的教導、比喻、預言。過去舊約中記載關於彌賽亞的預言和耶穌基督的連結,在他們思想意念中開始融會貫通,甚至他們也能明白將來要發生的事。

大量的神蹟奇事隨著他們:過去只從主耶穌身上才看得到的醫治、釋放、趕鬼的能力,在聖靈充滿後也發生在他們身上,因著他們所行的神蹟帶領多人回轉歸向    神。


「耶和華說:『那些日子以後,我與以色列家所立的約乃是這樣:我要將我的律法放在他們裡面,寫在他們心上;我要做他們的  神,他們要做我的子民。 』」(耶31:33)

從使徒行傳第2章我們可以看見,   神對五旬節有了完整的解釋:耶穌基督在逾越節完成了救贖大工,領受這救恩的我們要開始學習祂的律例典章。我們也要將自己獻給   神作活祭過分別為聖的生活(羅12:1、彼前2:5),聖靈來要幫助你,使你擁有豐盛的生命並有能力為主作見證。




「我也要賜給你們一個新心,將新靈放在你們裡面,又從你們的肉體中除掉石心,賜給你們肉心。我必將我的靈放在你們裡面,使你們順從我的律例,謹守遵行我的典章。 」(結36:26-27)


5784 Shavuot—Activating the Power from Above

In the evening on June 11 is going to enter one of the three major feasts of the LORD—Shavuot. Christians all over the world will celebrate and remember this important moment of Holy Spirit’s first coming. The religious Jews living in Israel will gather together in every synagogue in the evening to read Torah overnight to remember ‘Matan Torah’ set by the Rabbi.

Ripe, Offering & Harvest

“You shall count seven full weeks from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering. You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath. Then you shall present a grain offering of new grain to the LORD.” (Le. 23:15-16)

Shavuot has different names, such as ‘the Feast of Harvest’ (Ex. 23:16, 32:22), ‘the Feast of Weeks’ (Nu. 28:26-31), its name all has to do with farming. Start from the Sabbath right after the Passover is the day of the firstfruits of barley. Jews take seven Sabbath (49 days) in harvesting wheat. The 50th day is to start the season of the firstfruits of wheat. Therefore, Israelis will offer a new offering at this day and then be busy with harvesting wheat.

Nevertheless, strictly speaking, Israeli exile couldn’t keep this feast any longer. After 140 A.D. for Israelis to keep the feast of the LORD, Rabbis gave a new definition to Shavuot—remember the day that Moses received the law. Though it isn’t biblically grounded, it invisibly makes its connection to the Jewish religion and culture through the books of Prophets mentioning the prophecy of putting the law and writing it ‘on the tablets of their hearts.’

The Pentecost in that the Holy Spirit First Came

“When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.  And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” (Acts 2:1-4)

After resurrecting, Lord Jesus presented Himself and appeared to the apostles forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3-5). However, the apostles still expected the Lord Jesus to restore the kingdom of Israel.

At the day of Pentecost, many Jews holding the feast in Jerusalem would go to the synagogue, but the apostles and others prayed at the upper room. Suddenly the Holy Spirit visited them and gave them the gifts of speaking in tongues and of preaching to tell of God’s great glorious works fearlessly. And the hearts of pilgrims were soft so that about 3000 people were baptized and became disciples.

Indeed, it was the promise that Jesus Christ asked them to await (Jn. 16:7-14). Their prayers were aligned with God’s purpose, while the Holy Spirit was coming, all supernatural things happened without hindrance at the right time, in the right place and to the right people.

Activating the Power from Above

After the apostles were filled by the Holy Spirit, it was not only reflected in the effectiveness of their ministry but in their lives that there was a substantial awakening.

“When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come.” (Jn. 16:13)

A thorough understanding of God’s word: They finally understood the Lord Jesus’ teachings, parables and prophecies. They started to comprehend the connection between the O.T. Messianic prophecies and Jesus Christ, and they even understood the things to come.

A great number of signs and wonders accompanied them: The healing, deliverance and the power of casting out demons were not only seen in the Lord Jesus in the past but also upon them so that they led many to turn to God.

The law was written on from the tablets of stone to of fleshly hearts: The law and commandments were written in their lives. Regardless of Peter, John and later Paul et al., they by continually denying themselves impact us following the Lord Jesus.

“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD: I will put My law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” (Jer. 31:33)

We see from Acts 2 God gives a thorough explanation to the Pentecost: Jesus Christ had accomplished the work of redemption at the Passover, we receiving salvation start to learn His statues and rules. We also offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to God and live a life set apart (Rom. 12:1, 1Pet. 2:5), and the Holy Spirit came to help you that you may have an abundant life and the power to testify for the Lord.

The Sign of Being Filled by the Holy Spirit

Some signs of a vessel being filled by the Holy Spirit: Only exalt Jesus Christ, bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit and have the great effectiveness in ministry—these are the important tasks for us filled by the Spirit, clearly written in Jn. 14 and 16. Jesus said there’ll be many not being able to receive the Spirit because of not seeing Him. Indeed, there’re many examples of refusing to acknowledge the Spirit, deceiving the Spirit or having wrong knowledge of the Spirit. We living in the present age need to be more careful and alert.

The Day of Receiving the New Spirit

“And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes and be careful to obey My rules.” (Eze. 36:26-27)

Although many Israelis see Pentecost as a religious and cultural tradition, Ezekiel the prophet prophesied they will experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit and bring awakening and revival to their people. Remember, being filled by the Spirit is not only once-a-year feast but every-minute-and-second cycle of life. You and I both will face the days of adversity or challenges, let the Holy Spirit be the guidance of our lives that we might be sensitive to His leading and steadily run the heavenly race.