
現任 全球基督徒禱告院 院長
因著 神清楚的呼召和帶領,於2013年在台灣台東成立財團法人全球基督徒禱告院,致力推動全地華人禱告事工、宣道事工,及慈善關懷和生命教育事工。
張哈拿牧師的講道活潑生動,充滿屬靈的洞見,常在聚會中, 神的同在和聖靈大能如泉水般湧現,能帶來醫治、釋放及屬靈的滋潤。使人知道如何行走更新的路,並落實在生活中。帶給各地華人極大屬靈影響力。
Pastor Hannah Chang
Introduction of GCPC President
With God’s clear calling and guidance, Juridical Person Global Christian Prayer City was founded in Taitung, Taiwan in 2013, aiming to promote prayer ministry for Chinese all over the world, missions ministries, charitable caring ministries and life education ministry.
The preaching of pastor Hannah is alive and lively, full of spiritual insights. Often in meetings, the presence of God and the power of the Holy Spirit like bubbling springs bring healing, deliverance, and spiritual refreshment, so that attendees know how to walk on the path of renewal and apply into their everyday living, bringing the great impact on Chinese all over the world.