5783 Shavuot—The Power of the Holy Spirit

五旬節快樂,Happy Shavuot,חג שבועות שמח


Start in the evening on May 25, the traditional Jews will go to synagogue and read the Tanakh through the night and go to Western Wall to pray at 4 AM; then have a meal with the family together for celebration.

利未記23:15-21中記載,逾越節過後第一個安息日算起,7個安息日的次日,共記50天即是五旬節,也稱七七節;那時也是早春作物初熟收割的日子,也另稱收割節。同時猶太人也相信, 神在西乃山頒佈律法正是此日,因此也稱這日為「妥拉頒佈節」。

It is written in Lev. 23:15-21 that Pentecost starts with the first Sabbath after Passover and counts fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; it’s also called Shavuot. It’s also the time to bring the firstfruits of their harvest, so it’s also known as the Feast of Weeks. The Jews also believe that it was the day when God gave the Torah at Mount Sinai; therefore, it’s also called Matan Torah.


When being resurrected on the first Sabbath of Passover, Jesus appeared to His disciples and people for forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3). Before being taken up into heaven, He particularly ordered His disciples and followers ‘not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father…’(Acts 1:4). Therefore, they prayed with one heart at the Upper Room and waited. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit poured on them supernaturally. The apostles became the firstfruits in the age of the Holy Spirit and through the Spirit started to mightily perform what the Lord Jesus entrusted them (Acts 2:1-41).

人類雖然經歷了 神的救贖,但要在地上完全執行 神的律法是非常的有限,其最大的原因乃在於深根於人的罪性,是無法靠血氣的力量戰勝。主耶穌基督成全了舊約中摩西的律法及先知的預言,而聖靈來乃將這一切刻在人的心版上(耶31:31-34、結36:25-27),使人不僅明白 神話語精意(林後3:6)、有能力活出合 神心意的生命樣式,最終執行天國任務,完成拯救人類的大使命。(珥2:28-29、約16:12-17、徒1:2-8)

Though mankind experiences God’s redemption; nevertheless, to fully implement God’s law on earth is very limited. The main reason lies in innate sinful nature that cannot be overcome by the strength of the flesh. Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the law of Moses and prophecies of prophets in the Old Testament and the Holy Spirit came and wrote them on the hearts of men (Jer. 31:31-34, Eze. 36:25-27), so that men not only understand God’s word through the Spirit (2Cor. 3:6), and are able to live out a life after God’s life but perform the task of the kingdom and fulfil the great commission of saving mankind. (Jol. 2:28-29, Jh. 16:12-17, Act. 1:2-8)


  • 我是否有每一天被聖靈充滿、按聖靈行事呢?
  • 我是否願意將自己獻上如最美好的初熟之物為神國所使用呢?

願你我都在末後大收割的日子,靠著聖靈大有能力的與 神同工、同行、同站立!

When we remember the Pentecost with the Israelis, we also think of this:

  • Am I filled with the Holy Spirit every day and walk in the Spirit?
  • Am I willing to offer myself as the best firstfruit and be used in the kingdom of God?

May you and I in the latter harvest through the Holy Spirit mightily co-work, walk and stand with God!