【「不禱告」是罪】《 撒上12:23》
藉著聖靈幫助,會使我們禱告「有感覺、有意義」,因禱告是與 神連結。人若連結於 神,無論做什麼事,你都會感受到其中的「價值和意義」。張哈拿牧師邀請眾人試著在禱告中把對主的情感、渴望、情緒全然傾心吐意。在聖靈裡的禱告,會讓人真實經歷到 神、會使人「茁壯成長」,也會使人更摸到 神的心意。
魔鬼會想盡辦法擾亂人的思緒,使 神兒女無法專心、專注禱告;人也容易被「忙碌」塞滿我們的生活,以致沒有力氣禱告;或是「禱告不被應允」就拒絕再禱告了。張哈拿牧師警惕眾人在生活裏凡事要有「節制」,一旦人與 神的禱告被切斷,魔鬼對人的計謀就會容易一件一件地實現。
【 神是褻慢不得的】
最後,張哈拿牧師也以《詩篇1:1》提醒基督徒-不要與惡人同流合污,要堅定表明自己的立場,遠離罪惡的行為。聖靈不會忘記人說過的話或做過的事,因此禱告時,每個人都應在 神面前坦承自己生命所有的問題,並決意在 神面前將一切「惡」都剷除。
箴21:24「心驕氣傲的人名叫褻慢; 他行事狂妄,都出於驕傲。」
Not to Pray Is a Sin (1Sam. 12:23)
Pastor Hannah Chang by taking example of Samuel’s intercession and the Lord Jesus in Gethsemane pointed out that because Jesus knew ‘something’ would happen: Roman soldiers would come, the impending temptation, and those believing in Him would escape…; therefore, He told all who loved Him ‘watch and pray.’
If people don’t watch nor pray, it’s easily for the devil to swoop in and then they will become his prey for he long ago has planned how to trap Christians into the snare he designed.
Therefore, not to pray is a ‘sin’ because of an evil heart of disbelief. If the one only relies on oneself that is ‘prideful.’
Pray in the Spirit
With the help of the Holy Spirit, our prayers can be ‘felt and meaningful,’ because prayer is to be connected to God. If the one is connected to God, whatever you do, you’ll feel its ‘value and meaning’ in its midst. Pastor Hannah Chang invited people to try to pour out their hearts to the Lord in prayer with their feelings, longings and emotions. To pray in the Spirit will make the one truly experience God and ‘strong and grow up;’ also, it will enable the one to touch God’s heart.
Rob Time from the Devil’s Hand—Self-Control and Focus
The devil will try his best to disturb people’s thoughts so that God’s children cannot concentrate nor set their minds on praying; it’s also easily for people to be filled with ‘busyness’ in our lives so that we have no energy to pray; or ‘prayer not answered’ so reject to pray anymore. Pastor Hannah warned the people to have ‘self-control’ in all things in life. Once people’s prayers to God are cut off, the devil’s plan against people will be easily realized one by one.
God Is Not Mocked
Last, pastor Hannah Chang also reminds Christians of ‘Ps.1:1’—not to conform to the wicked, take a stand, and turn away from evil ways. The Holy Spirit doesn’t forget what people have said and have done. Therefore, when praying, each one should confess all the problems of one’s life and be determined to uproot all ‘evils.’ Pro. 21:24, “‘Scoffer’ is the name of the arrogant, haughty man who acts with arrogant pride.”
【 神國度裡沒有灰色地帶】
在 神的國和撒旦的國裡並沒有灰色地帶。人不能一半屬光明國度,一腳又在黑暗裡走。蘇義德牧師以各國都有當地律法為例提醒眾人-在屬靈領域裡,若人不遵守 神的律法,定會在「靈裡受苦」,因聖經明確的告訴我們「手扶著犁向後看的,不配進 神的國」。因此基督徒「讀經、禱告」的意義在於,這能使我們更精準認識主,而非停留於「文字」,卻不明白真道。
1.是向 神感恩,不是施恩。
5.奉獻是 神賜福與你的機會。
講員以稅吏和法利賽人的禱告為正反兩例,指出得耶穌所稱讚的是在 神面前無地自容「懺悔」的稅吏。
最後蘇義德牧師更是請眾人思想:是否曾把「聚會遲到、沒有靈修、沒有謝飯禱告、不與人和睦⋯」視為小事因而忘記、疏忽,卻實際影響了自己的屬靈生命?若是如此,我們應回到主前做「認罪悔改的禱告」,並求 神光照,使一切「屬靈的灰色地帶」被挪去,因爲「罪」在 神眼中,無論嚴重與否、程度是大或小,都是應當除盡的。
God’s hairs symbolize that He is holy, honorable, and majestic; His eyes are like a flame of fire, seeing through man’s heart and mind. Jesus’ feet went through fiery refining because He was crucified. Also in difficult circumstances He didn’t sin and his deeds were blameless. Therefore God also expects His people to ‘become warriors in trials and difficulties and walk without complaints in the wilderness.’
‘He Is a Consuming Fire and a God of Recompence.’ (Rev. 2:23)
Pastor Hannah reminded people that God is a righteous judge and He crushes the enemy underfoot. Therefore while under a situation that you shall ‘not see, not do and not say…’ and you choose to obey; that is, you put the enemy to shame!
‘Sinning Is Equal to Betraying God’
‘Examining the relationship between people from the relationship between people and God,’ pastor Hannah shared, the Scriptures say the relationship between people and God is as a husband and a wife are one; however, it doesn’t mean ‘lust;’ it’s because God values this relationship and sees it ‘holy and pure;’ since it’s one with God, sinning is to ‘betray God. A man will gradually change from disrespecting God to unrighteousness to humans. Obeying God’s word is Christian’s duty just as in a marital covenant, it’s each other’s responsibility to be faithful to the other half.
‘God Is to Restore You the Holy Temple’
Pastor Hannah responded to the wrong values of the relationship in this generation through this message.
‘Sexual behavior’ is a blessing created by God within a marriage. Pre-marital sex will bring hurt and defile one’s body; even having sex with someone other than spouse, the one needs to thoroughly and earnestly repent, because man shall first respect God then will respect humans (1Cor. 7:3).
Pastor Hannah also reminded Christians in dating, ‘you’re the temple of the Holy Spirit,’ protect this temple well just as you’ve responsibility to protect yourself and the other. Always guard your thoughts and mind; this’s your responsibility to the one whom you fall in love.
‘Despise Not the Grace of Forgiveness’ (Heb. 4:12-13, Jer. 17:10)
The pastor exhorted people to examine earnestly before God one’s behaviors and repent; only God can search man’s false repentance and regret and will give recompense according to what each one does.
Last, the pastor also encouraged brothers and sisters when the trials came, God promised to be with you (1Sam. 17:45). We absolutely can break through and overcome through God in each battle! God asks you to only flee temptation(s) not tests in life. Warriors will declare with their mouths to ‘reject negativity and discouragement,’ and turn around to laugh at the enemy and not be deceived but devour him by faith in God. Amen!
【 神的七眼】
《亞4:10》指出耶和華的「七眼」 ,明示 神正注視著祂兒女所行的一切事。張哈拿牧師提及現今有許多青年人為了享樂獲取財富,拜偶像、隨從世俗,他們離棄真道,聽從了那引誘人的邪靈和鬼魔的道理。
【 神是公義、聖潔的上帝】
人總喜歡聚焦於 神的慈愛,卻忘記祂也是面對「罪」鐵面無私,全然「聖潔、公義」的主。 當 神的管教臨到,人懂得呼求主的憐憫,卻害怕上帝彰顯公義的審判。
為此,張哈拿牧師特別提醒眾人-要認識 神,務要及時地認識 神的公義和聖潔。謙卑地把自己交給主,努力除掉生命中的所有軟弱,誠實地面對 神,勇敢地在光明中行,如同 神在光明中。唯有上帝的「義」在軟弱的人身上彰顯,我們才得以成為「義人」。
重蹈覆徹犯罪又悔改的行為,是人開門讓魔鬼有摧毀自己的合法權利;落在明知故犯的網羅裡的人,會變得越來越無力抵抗牠。然而,這一位 神明白人內裏的動機,你是當下的懊悔,或是真實的悔改唯有主鑒察。
為此,張哈拿牧師鼓勵與會者-務要殷勤讀經禱告,好好地親近 神,並要熟記聖經且積極參與實體聚會,讓與 神美好的團契成為個人每一天的日常生活。如同《詩71:1~4》大衛王能對 神有極大的信心是因他真認識 神的話語,看重祂的律例。
感謝主,我們是蒙主恩召的神國兒女,跟隨主就是一條終生的事奉道路。我們相信 神的應許,相信 神會加添夠用的恩典在所有信徒的心中,使我們有能力去給予、興起,並不間斷地去傳揚基督的愛。
你也身在其中並經歷了 神的權能,邀請你來信見證,[email protected]。
God’s Seven Eyes
Zec. 4:10 points out there are ‘seven eyes’ of the LORD, expressly showing that God is looking on everything that His children are doing. Pastor Hannah Chang mentioned today many young people gain wealth for pleasure, worship idols and keep in step with the secular, they depart from the faith and by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.
Therefore, pastor Hannah Change exhorted that parents should pray more urgently for their children and make an impact on this generation through prayer.
God Is a Righteous and Holy God
People always like to focus on God’s love but forget He is also altogether the ‘holy and righteous’ Lord, while facing ‘sin’ He is strict and impartial. When it comes God’s discipline, people know how to cry out for the Lord’s mercy but are afraid of God showing His righteous judgment.
Thus, pastor Hannah Chang particularly remined everyone this: knowing God—must know God’s righteousness and holiness timely. Humbly entrust oneself to the Lord, earnestly take away all weakness of life, honestly face God and courageously walk in light as God is in light. Only God’s ‘righteousness’ is shown in the weak we then become ‘the righteous.’
Abide in the Lord
The behavior of repeatedly sinning and repenting is to open the door for the devil to have the legal right to destroy oneself; the one falling into the snare of intentional sin will have less and less strength to resist the devil. However, this God understands human inner motive, whether you just regretted while sinning or truly repented, the Lord alone is the watcher.
Thus, pastor Hannah Chang encouraged attendees this: must diligently read the Bible and pray, earnestly draw near to God, and recite the Bible and actively participate in-person meetings so that having a wonderful fellowship with God can become everyone’s daily life. As in Ps. 71:1-4 king David had exceedingly great faith in God, it was because he truly knew God’s word and fix his eyes on His statues.
Thank the Lord! We’re the children of God’s kingdom, called and saved by God’s grace, following the Lord is the way of serving the Lord all our lives. We believe God’s promise and that God will increase sufficient grace in all believers’ heart that we may have strength to give, rise and continue to proclaim Christ’s love.
God’s mighty anointing worked among these three nights, thank the Lord for His rich grace so that many brothers and sisters obtained the Lord’s restoration, renewal, deliverance and whole healing in its midst.
You were also in it and experiencing God’s power, invite you to write your testimony to us: [email protected]
Aug. Solemn Assembly—Warriors Watch and Pray for Country & Society
Online Registration: https://is.gd/TYslPN